
Private Snowboard Lessons
Private snowboard lessons gives you advantage in front of any other group tip of course where you have all the time with our instructor for yourself. Everything you need to correct or improve will be much more efficient through PSL…

Advanced Snowboard Course
If you already have some basic knowledge but you want to improve your snowboard technique feel free to join us on our advanced snowboard course where we will turn those basics in to something fun and exciting.

Basic Snowboard Course
Mastering basic snowboard technique is one of most important step in proper and safe snowboarding. Snowboarding is not just a plain sliding down the slope, but a wonderful winter joy based on safety and technical accuracy

500 Stairs of Horvat Hiking Tour
If you feel in shape you can join us on this whole day explore of NP Medvednica and its famous 500 stairs of Horvat. Enjoy and discover many natural spots deep in the forest of NP Medvednica

Brestovac Sanatorium Hiking Tour
Let us take you to the top of Nature Park Medvednica and give you a chance to discover some of hidden historical places where the great battles were held

Leustek Hiking Tour
Visiting Zagreb and looking for one day getaway from center of town. We have perfect solution to combine your free time with nearby mountain of Medvednica.